Unicode versus ANSI & ANSI to Unicode
Do you know the differences that stand between Unicode (i386ur) and ANSI (i386r)? If no let’s look deeply on the matter which is of utter importance now a days.
If you consider ANSI and UNICODE you can view that the ANSI stands back to UNICODE with some features like Speed and Quality in performance, where UNICODE is faster and smarter in performance. Considering your System requirements let us check how ANSI and UNICODE facilities will be available for you.
- With Windows NT/2000/XP, you have to get the versions of UNICODE downloaded separately. In the case of this versions ANSI will work otherwise also
- With Windows 95/98/ME, get ANSI versions downloaded to run it on the system
- With both the Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP, you need to download only ANSI application or you have to download both ANSI and UNICODE and keep separate copies of both.
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ANSI Application
American National Standards Institute or ANSI helps in co coordinating and evaluate by comparing with a standard various areas like Public and private. Among UNICODE and ANSI, ANSI arrived first. ANSI helps in achieving the standardized character to many areas of computing like
Merits: Character set in computer system, in the form of numbers, letters, and symbols, which came to known as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). The provision of 256 different symbols was put forward by the application and was very quick, easy, efficient and simple to implement. ANCII is fully compactable and was easily understandable with all modern OS
Demerits: The provision of only 256 characters was a major limitation as Arabic and Japanese language was having more than thousands of characters. Under this scenarios ASCII proved as a failure.
Unicode Application
The demerits of ANSI, and need for some more advanced application program, it comes the UNICODE, which can create up to 65,536 entirely different characters. The complex nature of the UNICODE prevents it from getting along with all the OS. The OS that supports UNICODE include all the upcoming Windows release and Windows NT/2000/XP/ 2003
Now you got an idea about both ANSI and UNICODE application, then the next query will be like
If ASCII and UNICODE runs with Windows NT, why comparing with UNICODE, ANSI runs slower?
ANSI runs slower means UNICODE runs faster, this can be handled only if you more about Windows NT.
Know what is Kernel: All the OS bears a kernel, which is the central part or can be called as major part of OS. The script of Kernel is written in terms of UNICODE, so it easily understands UNICODE and runs smoothly with UNICODE.
If you use ASCII with Windows NT then the Operating System, first need to convert the strings from ASCII to UNICODE. These conversions in turn steal time in converting every memory and store in both copies like ASCII and UNICODE.
This gives the answer clear for the query why ANSI runs slower and UNICODE faster with Windows NT. The UNICODE with straight access with the kernel capture the memory faster and runs faster, where as the ASCII take time in converting the strings.
Even with the multi sophisticated computer system of modern technology the difference in performance rate occur but it is minimal in appearance. The basic truth is that no matter what program is running, if the same kind of program run on both UNICODE and ANSI, the faster will be UNICODE
The reasons why UNICODE is compactable with Windows NT is that the Windows 95/98/ME are all simple OS for the general user, so itself the kernel is written in ASCII readable characters, whereas Windows NT requires a minimum of 16 megs of RAM and is more complicated in performance, so the advanced UNICODE is compactable with the Windows NT.
The software namely PST Upgrade, is a best solution to upgrade the PST files to ANSI or UNICODE application format. Try the tool with multi talented to get the PST Upgrade possible.
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